A man who used to hack train ticket booking website IRCTC to generate fake tickets was arrested from Dakshan Darwaza area in eastern Uttar Pradesh's Basti town on Thursday by a joint team of the Central Bureau of Investigation and railway's vigilance department, police said. Hamid was arrested by a team of officials from CBI's Bengaluru branch and the Central Railway, which camped in Basti for three days, following an information that he had created a software to sell tickets by hacking the IRCTC website, police officer Rohit Mishra said. Hamid had tied up with a number of people engaged in the fake ticket racket all over the country and used to book railway tickets using the software, Mishra said, adding that 10 laptops, 16 ATM cards, two PAN cards and Rs 50 lakh in cash were recovered from him. He was taken on transit remand by the CBI and the Central Railway vigilance team for further questioning, the police officer added. A senior official said the online sa...
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